(GOTV) Sign Waving in Sammamish

Contact Pam Stuart at ElectPamStuart@outlook.com for more details. Location: Corner of 228th and IPL Road at the Park and Ride

(GOTV) Sign waving in Bellevue

Calling all 41st PCOs and members in Bellevue. It is time to GOTV! Sign waving opportunities, early mornings and early evenings on Monday and Tuesday. Every vote matters and every vote counts. The Zahn and Stokes races are neck and … Continued

(GOTV) Sign waving in Bellevue

Calling all 41st PCOs and members in Bellevue. It is time to GOTV! Sign waving opportunities, early mornings and early evenings on Monday and Tuesday. Every vote matters and every vote counts. The Zahn and Stokes races are neck and … Continued

General Body Meeting (Canceled)

Meeting details will be provided with the agenda via email each month. Email board@41dems.org if you would like to receive emails from 41dems.

41st LD Holiday Fundraiser and Membership Drive Social

Mark your calendars and come celebrate the holiday season with the 41st Democrats. This event will be held on December 17th from 11:00am to 3:00pm. RSVP at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2023-holiday-social. The address will be provided upon registration confirmation. We will celebrate our accomplishments, … Continued

General Body Meeting

Meeting details will be provided with the agenda via email each month. Email board@41dems.org if you would like to receive emails from 41dems.

Newcastle Lunar New Year Celebration

Risdon Middle School 6928 116th Ave SE, Newcastle, WA, United States

Newcastle celebrates Lunar New Year with a spectacular Dragon Dance by Northwest Kung Fu and Fitness. After the performance, enjoy other performances and activities like lantern making, Chinese calligraphy and popular Asian board games. Welcome the Year of the Dragon! … Continued

KCD Presidential Primary and Delegate Selection Kickoff

Machinist's Hall 9125 15th Pl S, Seattle, WA, United States

The event will feature action stations (canvass sign up, MiniVan training, postcards for new voters, delegate pledge cards, etc.) as well as opportunities to meet our statewide Democratic candidates for office.

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